Monday, December 12, 2011


SO!  I'm NOT the only one wondering anymore!
This seems to me to be a pretty big stretch but like Kirk Hamilton said, you never know with Valve.
Check out the article here.
And the details here and here.
Thanks to ShaggyDoug for adding fuel to my fire.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Gabe Newell! Why hast thou forsaken us!?

Well, it's one of those days when I can't stop wondering ... WHERE THE HELL IS HALF LIFE 2 EPISODE 3 UNCLE GABE!?
ShaggyDoug told me the other day that it will never happen ... if he wasn't such a good friend I would have poked him right in his combine eye sockets!!
No less than Doug Lombardi has said it was going to be "Ambitious."  Well.  How ambitious can it be after all these years!?
And what was up with the Valve and deaf gaming thing!?  The cool quotient went way up with that ... and then they went cloaked and silent again.
Don't get me wrong. I still think these guys are amazing.  And there is no way that Valve would pull a Duke Nukem Forever on us.  
I know there is a high fail-potential but I guess I still believe that Valve can DO IT! ... and ... come ON!  It's been a long time for the promised final chapter of what is probably the GOLD STANDARD (in more than just graphics btw) of games! 
No news?
No teases?
No clips?
No sightings?
No definite word one way or another?
Uncle Gabe, if you have ANYTHING for us, I'll be here ... with my crowbar ... and my head crab hat ...